Tuesday, September 19, 2017

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
1. Make no small plans: Plan BIG

To make no small plans means to not make short term plans. Making big plans can be more helpful towards the future. Making small plans can fail and you have no back up plans. When aiming for higher plans it can be so helpful because you have more opportunities in achieving so much more. When having bigger plans you have so much to give and so much to receive towards a person. Even sometimes your bigger plans can provide you with smaller plans and bring you so much more things. Achieving and aiming for bigger things is better than staying back and trying to do so little. Go for the bigger try bigger first and if it doesn't work out than you can always go for less. But always start with something better and bigger or you'll never know until you try.

2. Do what they fear
Do what they fear means to do things people may think you are not able to do. Doing those things it fears them because they have very low expectations of you. Proving them wrong will make them look dumb and  feel scared. They might even be frightened about what you are capable of doing. I feel like doing things people think you cant do is nice because you can prove to them and themselves that you have so much potential. Potential that needs to be put out there to scare people and let them know that anyone can accomplish plenty of stuff. Once they fear something its hate against what you are capable of. Something they might never have the opportunity of accomplishing. Fear only comes from hate fearing of seeing everyone else succeed .  Hate comes from the person that is most likely to not succeed. They tend to try to bring people down so they can feel good about themselves. Do what they fear so you can prove them otherwise. 

3. High Achievers are willing to prepare
 When they say High achievers are willing to prepare they mean that you are all in it for everything that is coming your way. Being a high achiever you do a lot more than others around you. You push yourself into doing more and more. You achieve things you never thought you would be able to achieve. Once you plan to be a high achiever you have so much on your plate but strive for it. You do anything possible to get to where you want to get. You have higher standards, you feel as if you need to push yourself more. You dont just settle for less, you go for more and more each time. Its hard for high achiever to let go of an assignment because they are tired. They do all they have in their power to get things done. They do their things on time, they never do it last minute. High achievers are usually recognized by an award or something.
Image result for high achievers

5. . High Achievers are teachable
What this mean is that high achievers can teach others. They can teach them their ways, learn new things.  They can show us many things, they show us ways to succeed.

6. High Achievers have heart
High achievers have a heart they mean that they do it with a passion. They tend to do things because they do it with love. They do several stuff because they love it. High achievers need motivation to do some things. When doing things that your heart tells you than it comes out of pure happiness. 

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